The Environment Has Feelings Too
Don’t Use Plastic Utensils by Toren Lee
Imagine you are a fish, and you see a plump fishy snack and you bite and swallow a whole plastic spoon. Save sea life, no plastic utensils!
My school uses too many plastic utensils. For example, I estimate that my school uses over 300 plastic utensils in a day. And that’s only one school imagine hundreds of schools.
Plastic utensils are bad for the environment. The environment has feels too so don’t use plastic utensils. For example, hundreds of thousands of pieces of plastic are dumped into the ocean every day. And I bet that a good amount was plastic utensils.
I firmly believe that this world would be a better place if we use less plastic utensils. This is one thing that you can do to help me with getting rid of plastic utensils, you could just put some silverware in your lunchbox and use that instead of plastic utensils.
Toren’s to-go Utensil pouch
No more plastic straws or silverware for me! I bring this with me to school so I don’t have to use the plastic utensils at my cafeteria. Instructions on how to make your own below.