A Man-O-War Cay Christmas
Sargo is back in the Eastern Harbour of Man-O-War Cay, Bahamas. This year we are joined by SV Twig (Emily, Kai, and Rev). They are our close friends and cruising buddies that we first met at Hope Town April 2018. We spent this past summer in Maine together, then came down the East Coast. We plan to stay at MOW until Spring before deciding where to explore next. World travel, even by sailboat, has been put on hold due to the COVID19 pandemic. While we would love to be exploring new countries, the added stress and logistics just isn’t worth it for us. We’ve been making the best of things and cherish this opportunity to settled down for a few months on Man-O-War Cay. Hurrican Dorian did a number on the Abacos and we’ll be using our time here to do a lot of hurricane cleanup.
Sargo on a mooring in the foreground, and Twig on a mooring slightly ahead of Sargo’s bow.
Sargo and Twig both circled - nice and secure in the anchorage. Our house on the southern point of Man-o-war Cay is circled as well.
Sea of Abaco Update: So far we have visited Green Turtle, Great Guana , Marsh Harbour, Hope Town, and Man O War. There is still an awful lot to be done before the area is recovered. We have not encountered any significant changes to the charted waters or hazardous debris. The reefs are in very good condition with excellent coral growth and a multitude of fish species.
Each island community is different and recovering slowly. Food, fuel, and water are easily found. Each island has at least one restaurant or beach bar open. They just may not be open when you want them to be! It is definitely not crowded, but we are seeing other cruising boats regularly and two charter companies are open. Overall, people have been welcoming and we have felt safe. Masks are required to enter every business (though not everyone is wearing them properly). The COVID testing requirements make it less likely that people will be coming in with the virus. Visiting sailors and tourist are warmly welcomed!